Here We ROW, One Week In

Hello ROWers!

I’m just checking in after my first week in ROW80.  My week’s goals included:

  • Blog Ahead (At least 5 posts)
  • Clean my room.
  • Plot my novel.
  • Finish reading the books for my book club discussion.

I was doing really well until the date for Fast Draft changed, and then I had to use some posts I’d done ahead for this week.  However, don’t think I was idly sitting by eating bon bons and channel surfing.  Oh no!

Hatfields and McCoys is on! (image from

I am left with only 2 blog posts ahead, and I’d hoped for 5.  However, what I was doing was building connections with other writers!  So now…drumroll please…I have a blog interview planned with a New York Times Bestselling Author!  And I’m not saying who!  You’ll just have to keep checking back for Tuesday’s (which I think may need to switch back to Monday’s – so drop me a line on what you think works better…) Featured Writers Posts.

Next week features newfound blogging friend and phenomenal woman, Patricia Sands!  We’re talking female friendships and must read books, so please stop by!

Ok, clean my room.  I did clean my entire desk.  I still have a pile of in-between seasonal clothing that I’m not sure where to go with, but it’s a much better looking space.

Plot my novel.  Finalizing today because Fast Draft begins tomorrow.  *head desk* Inner Editor, if you don’t completely screw me over on this plan I’d be much obliged.  Watch for tweets about entire bags of cheetos and dove chocolate, that’ll be my warning signs if things aren’t going well.

She died from an overdose of chocolate! (image from

The reading goal I accomplished completely!  With a little help from the long drive opportunity I had while riding up to the Apostle Islands with my book club, I read Moon Over Madeline Island and Back to Madeline Island by Jay Gilbertson!  Then our book club skyped with the author monday night!  So much fun!  Pictures to come for tuesday’s post with Patricia!

That’s how I’m doing?  How about you?  What ROW goals have you accomplished?




14 responses

  1. I’m feeling a bit exhausted after catching up on your posts about goals. 🙂
    Was that bulleted list at the beginning of this post supposed to be completed within one week???? Are you freaking bionic? Please do share what brand of vitamins you’re taking, Jess. I could use a dose or two. Good luck with the novel plotting. I’m hacking my way through the middle of my novel with a machete and enjoying the workout.

    1. Love the visual Madge! And I am taking my fish oil. SOMEONE told me I had to!

  2. Yeah for jumping in! Welcome to ROW80. I’m using this round to tie up loose ends. I’m hoping that the summer round will be very productive!

    1. Awesome Amy Beth! Good luck to you and your goals! Hope this summer is a good one!

  3. WOW! Awesome week, Jess! Good luck on Fast Draft!

    1. Thank you Marcia. Sadly with all the writing projects I do feel bad about not getting to everyone’s blog as much as I’d like to.

  4. Are you ready? Do you have a plan? Character names? Log line? Arcs? frozen meals and chocolate?

    Because if you do send them over, I thought we had one more day before we start but seems we’re starting on Thursday … tomorrow. Eeek.


    1. Well I got it all plotted which is a FIRST for me. And I didn’t do character sketches but so much of mine is based on real life that it isn’t hard to write them. It’s actually harder to make stuff up for them so I don’t do it too autobiographical.

      Today I write after a full day of work. That will be much harder cause I’ll be tired for sure.

  5. Cheers to a great first week! Best wishes for Fast Draft. I’m a little jealous, but I need to finish other projects before I jump into that.

    1. Jealous? I’m jealous! You have three books written already!

  6. I’m impressed that you’re blogging ahead. Once in awhile I’ll get on a kick and do that, but it’s been ages. You’d think with all this free time I could have a month’s worth of blog posts all ready to go, but nooo. I’m lucky to get something new posted every four days.

    1. That truly surprises me because I feel you are so consistent with your posting. And your posts are lengthy and include photos and witty self banter. You must write really fast. I write and I eat really slow. But I won’t choke on my food. :p

  7. Most impressive goals and welcome to ROW80. I joined in January and really enjoy reading my fellow ROWers’ blogs.

    Once upon a time I, too, wanted to have blog post drafts but it never worked for me. Will certainly appreciate any tips you have. However, I have settled into a writing routine that includes a regular blog post with updates, and for now, that is comfortable. For me, it was about being comfortable blogging.

    Hope you have a great week wherever your goals take you.


    1. Well, it’s not always easy, but I will say blogging ahead can ease up the stress from week to week. That’s a big plus since I work a 50-60 hour day job. But everyone has their own groove, and if you found something that works to make blogging comfortable for you, don’t let others tell you you HAVE to do it differently. If you want, you can always try something! But if it doesn’t fit you, you’re readers will probably know.

      Thanks for welcoming me. I’m slow going at getting to meet all the other ROWers while I’m in the midst of Fast Draft, but I so appreciate everyone’s support and wish you all the same! When the draft is done, I’ll celebrate by invading all your blogs! LOL.

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