Summertime Madness Book Lovers Tag

Scooch in close you guys. I’ve got a secret widely known fact to share.

I love books. 

Book Swag LovinSome have gone so far as to call me a bibliomaniac! And to that I say, “Thanks for putting ‘biblio’ in front of that!”

I just really like to read. All genres. All authors. I love memoirs, historical fiction, humor books, creepy thrillers, erotica novels, creative nonfiction, and YA books too.

I am, however, none too crazy about dinosaur erotica. But I researched it once.

I’ve made it through four books on my Top 10 Books to Read This Summer. I would likely be further along except for…Outlander. ‘Nuff said.

My pal, Maren, from The Worn Bookmark just posted her Summertime Madness Tag with lots of great titles you should definitely read! And she invited others to play along. So, I’m joining in! And so can you! Share your summertime madness picks in the comments or in a post of your own! Link back so I can see what’s on your must-read list!

summertime madness

1. Show a book with a summery cover. 

I just finished reading this book about Bill Bryson’s road trip across America and it’s made me antsy to begin our own soon.

2. Pick one fictional place that would be the perfect destination for your summer vacation. 

It said fictional, so of course, I choose Pemberley!

3. You’re about to go on a flight to your Summer Vacation. But you want to read a book that lasts for the whole flight, so what novella do you choose?

It’s not really a novella, but it is a collection of essays which are easily read. Laurie Notaro is one of my favorite humor authors and this is one of her best books. I would gladly chuckle through the plane ride reading this book.

4. You have a case of Summertime Sadness. What happy book do you pick up to shine a smile on your face?

Samantha Bee’s book is hilarious! I loved her no holds barred, honest writing and her description of her family. This book would definitely put a smile on my face. I mean, just look at the cover.

5. You’re sitting at the beach all alone…which fictional character would be your beach babe?

So Maren and I have the same answer here. Jamie Fraser! This Highland hottie can double as my beach blanket babe anytime!

6. To match your ice cream you want an icy cool sidekick! Which fictional sidekick do you pick?

What better sidekick than the costar of all costars? I think Judy Greer and I could be great friends and get into all kinds of shenanigans over the summer.


Your turn! What books on your summer madness list?

20 responses

  1. Good choice with Pemberley! Now I wish I had come up with something better for that answer LOL. Oh Jamie Fraser, definitely the best choice for hottie beach (or anywhere for that matter) companion! I love your choice for #1. I got that book a few months back but haven’t had a chance to read it yet.

    1. I really enjoyed The Lost Continent. Super funny! Now if I could road trip with Jamie Fraser…

      1. Oh man… He would have to drive because I wouldn’t be able to keep my eyes on the road LOL. Best road trip ever!

  2. Did you hear they’re making “A Walk in The Woods” into a movie starring Robert Redford and Nick Nolte? Yeah. It looks AWFUL. I’m heartbroken!

    1. Me reading the first half of that sentence: What?!! 😃
      Me reading the second half of that sentence: What..? 😟

  3. I’m currently reading “Beautiful Ruins” by another Jess W. (Walter, in this case) and really digging the story. It zips around between the present day, 1962, 1978, etc. and is brilliantly written. A great summer read. Next up will be “Mr. Mercedes” by Mr. King. ‘Cause I like to mix my genres up. Happy reading! And happy road trippin’ soon!

    1. I almost grabbed Beautiful Ruins at the library cause they’re hosting a discussion, but I didn’t think I’d finish it on time. Currently searching for audiobooks Joe and I will both like for our road trip. So far we’ve agreed on just one: Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk.

  4. Jess, Jamie Fraser has been my book husband for years. I’m a huge DG fan. Have you read any of the next books? Voyager is my favorite.

    1. I’m 100 pages into Dragonfly in Amber. Maren assures me it gets better. I wasn’t expecting such a time jump at first. And I’ve preordered the second half of season 1.

  5. Christopher Walken : “Don’t make me tell you again about the scooching”


  6. karenmcfarland | Reply

    Looks like you have lots of good reading ahead of you. Since I recently saw the movie, I would have to go with Pemberley. At first I was worried about how it would fit in with P & P. But I thought they did an excellent job. Now to read the book! 🙂

    1. You know it’s kinda different. You’ll notice more details and plot changes. Enjoy it!

  7. Yes yes yes to Jamie Fraser.

    1. Have you read all the Outlander series, Emma? Or even better, have you visited the highlands? Soooo jealous of your proximity to them. I want to go!

      1. I’ve read the first 4 books and enjoyed them immensely but needed to take a break before I continue. The TV show and the actor who plays Jamie are just as good. No, never visited the highlands, but so want to. Maybe we can arrange a bloggers get together for everyone there some summer? 🙂

        1. That would be…OMG…amazing!!! Blogger revival in the highlands!! Squeeeeeeee!

  8. […] when humor author, and delightful conference roomie, Jess Witkins posted her recent book picks as part of the Summertime Madness Tag, I knew I wanted to play […]

  9. Love it! And you inspired me to give my own answers ( Also, can I be your sidekick? I’m not in a book, but… 😉

    1. Sweet! I’ll go check out your summertime madness picks. And OF COURSE you can be my sidekick! Let’s go get into SHENANIGANS!!!

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