A Christmas and Bookywook Blog Mash-up

Ha Ha Holiday Laughs: 

Mark Petruska lends his blog to Lisa Nowak so she can teach us all How to Write a Farcical Holiday Letter.

Jenny Hansen celebrates her 15th Risky Baby Business post with her Holiday Collection of Fun Baby Links.

Wendy Matheson is back and blogging!  She recaps the holidays in Smiles, Soup, Santa and Silliness.  Go and play her Santa photo caption game!

Are you still shopping?  Ellie Ann Soderstrom has you covered in her Holiday Gift Guide.  So go ahead, buy Aunt Marge those spandex shorts!

Books, books, books and Writing:

I love ‘Best of’ blog posts and Sara Grambusch just did hers in My Favorite Books of 2011.

Jillian from A Room of One’s Own blogs Happy Birthday Jane Austen from a Former Naysayer.

Tiffany White interviews new author Stephanie Nelson about her paranormal series Craved and Deceived.

Kristen Lamb serves up awesome in her psychedelic post Aspiring is for Pansies:  Tough Love and Being a Writer.

Jenny Hansen blogged this past weekend for the Life List Club at Sonia Medeiros about the Most Important Writing Lesson I Ever Learned.  This one stuck with me.

Awesomely Paranormal:

Catie Rhodes shared the history of Folk Magic in Appalachia and you can learn by through the research books and stories in her blog comments too!

I’m off to get some wrapping done!  But stick around, chat a little.  I’ll be back with cocoa!

12 responses

  1. Thanks for posting.. I missed a few of these. 🙂

    1. These are some good ones!

  2. Thanks for the shout-out, Jess! Have a wonderful Christmas!


    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family Wendy!

  3. Oh my God, Jess!! You gave me double linky love?? What a great Monday present…thank you!

    Those baby videos kill me every time I watch them. I hope your people enjoy them as much as I do. 🙂

    1. I’d seen the ripping paper baby, but not the dancing one. Too funny!

  4. Hey, Jess! Thanks for the link love. 🙂 I feel like we haven’t talked in forever. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and get your gifts wrapped! I need to do that….

    1. I know, I’ve been terrible about getting to everybody’s blog I’d like to. When the ho ho horror of the holidays is over, I won’t be working so many hours. Then I’ll get back to normal. Have a happy Christmas!

  5. Great mash-up, Jess! There are so many awesome blogs out there! It’s hard to get to all of them. That’s why it’s wonderful to mash-ups like yours. Thanks! Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas Marcia! Looking forward to our Life List milestone party.

  6. Forget Aunt Marge. I want some spandex shorts for myself!!

    1. Um, we’ll just see what Tara says about that.

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