So Wrong: Guilty Pleasures That Make You Snicker

Welcome back to Guilty Pleasure Fridays on The Happiness Project!  Last time we talked about Guilty Pleasure TV show dramas, so we’re continuing town “the tube” to check out my favorite Guilty Pleasure TV show comedies and hopefully you’ll fess up to some of your own. 😉

Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if it was a sitcom?  There are a lot of great characters out there, who would you want to be?  Don’t laugh too much, but I’d pick one of these people:

     Freaks and Geeks:  I wanted to be Lindsay on this show.  The good girl gone freak.  The show was awesome.  Look at all the stars who started out here, Jason Segel, James Franco, Seth Rogen, and Linda Cardellini.  She had the geeky brother with his equally geeky friends, her neighbor Milly who wants her join the Mathletes, and then the freaks, a group a friends who ditch class, see live music, and drive around a lot.  Lindsay’s parents were equally ridiculous between her mother’s necessity to feed everyone and her father’s stories that all resulted in the person dying.  I miss this show and wish it was still on!



     Lovespring International:  Only on for one season, this show was a hilarious spectacle about a dating agency.  Jane Lynch, now in Glee and from Christopher Guest films, starred as the manager of Lovespring International.  Jack Plotnick, the man with the mustache, is seriously funny in my opinion, and I loved him in drag in the film Girls Will Be Girls.  He was the main matchmaker.  The delightfully ditzy and somewhat stalkerish receptionist was played by Jennifer Elise Cox, who some of you may recognize as Jan Brady from The Brady Bunch Movie.  It was a place where things were always going wrong and everyone was completely spastic.  I think this dating company is housed inside my head.


     Strangers With Candy:  This is probably the TV show I quote the most.  It’s the story of “a boozer, a user, and a loser” who went back to high school at the age of 40.  She wore a flock of seagulls hairdo, baggy turtlenecks, too much make up and fanny packs.  She kept a turtle in her locker, constantly hit on anything that walked by, and was always learning the wrong lessons.  The lead, Jerry Blank, was played by Amy Sedaris, sister to satirical author David Sedaris.  Her teacher mentors were played by Paul Dinello and Stephen Colbert.  The show was wrong on every level of “politically correct,” and that’s why it was so damn hysterical.


     It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia:  Sing it with me, “Day Man, Aaa Aaaah!  Master of the Night Man!  Aaa Aaaaah!  Champion of the Sun, he’s a master of karate and friendship for everyone!”  A group of friends who run Paddy’s Bar and get into trouble.  Trouble like pretending to be crippled to get popular, pretending to be a war veteran to get a date, drinking wine in public while hiding it in Diet Coke cans, and hosting last one dancing wins the deeds to the bar contests.  The cast of this show is amazing talented and timeless with their comedy.  Everyone will love this show.  If you haven’t seen it, go rent the first season immediately.







     Tabatha’s Salon Takeover:  Ok, so this is Reality TV, but it makes me laugh!  Tabatha was on Bravo TV’s Sheer Genius hairstylist competition a few years ago and I used to put that show on before bed and fall asleep to it.  I loved Tabatha then, and she’s her saucy self on her own show.  The premise is Tabatha comes to your failing salon and places cameras around to spy on the staff and see what they’re up to when the owner isn’t there, then she spends a day in the salon critiquing the skill level of all the stylists and even the receptionists, she shows you every spec of dust in the place and usually makes someone cry.  Then she helps them improve their techniques, clean the place up, and feel more confident and professional.  It’s always the same, and yet I can’t get enough.  I think I want her to take over my life and make a schedule for me.  I feel I’d accomplish maximum potential with her aid.

     A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila:  The deal is, we’re placing our most embarrassing guilty pleasure show at the end, otherwise, you’d stop reading after this one.  Tila Tequila became famous for having the most number of friends on MySpace, I think, I can’t remember exactly because no one really uses MySpace anymore.  Her show was her search for love, with a catch.  She’s bisexual, so she had a house full of boys and girls competing for her heart.  I know, I’m losing any chance of every earning the adjective classy here, but I was obsessed with this show and rooting for Dani all the way!  (She didn’t find love with Tila Tequila.)  I blame this guilty pleasure fad entirely on my then roommate who was equally obsessed with Flavor of Love with Flava Flav.  She informed me what was happening on that show, and I informed her what Tila was up to.  Again, it’s another Reality TV show, but this one was a train wreck you couldn’t not watch and it made me smile.  I also consequently had a crush on Tila Tequila, but I’m sooo over that phase.

So there you have it.  Jess’ picks for guilty pleasure TV shows that make me laugh.  I’d start quoting from Strangers With Candy, but that would be highly inappropriate.

Fess up!  What are the sitcoms that got you giggling?  Has reality TV sucked you in at all?  What TV star would you trade places with?  No, I wouldn’t pick Tila Tequila.

21 responses

  1. My top pick would be Ed O’Neill’s character on Modern Family. This is the most hilarious show on tv (in my humble opinion).

    Reality show, I’d like to be a cameraman on Deadliest Catch or maybe just spend a season with a crew then write a book about them afterwards.

    Great post, Jess!

    1. Deadliest Catch would terrify the crap out of me! No way I’d get on those boats with them, if a storm came I’d be freaking out.

  2. My favorite funny t.v. shows are The Middle and Modern Family. I could watch those day and night. The Middle is done well and makes me laugh and the whole family laugh. Modern Family’s characters are so lovable, especially the gay couple. And NO canned laughter which turns me off the moment I hear it.
    I’d love to be Gloria in Modern Family. She seems to love life and have a blast living it.

    1. I’ve never heard it called canned laughter before, that makes sense. I’ve heard Modern Family is hilarious and I haven’t watched it yet. I better start.

  3. I’ll probably be publicly stoned to death for admitting this. My favorite “comedy” is the reality show Cheaters. I laugh so hard every time we watch this show. My husband and I heckle the cheaters and the victims. We heckle Joey Greco. We pause the show to laugh hysterically.

    1. I’ve watched a couple times, it is pretty amusing. You just reminded me I was totally obsessed with Scott Baio is 45 and Single for awhile, which is equally bad.

  4. I haven’t seen a single episode of any of those shows you like! (Or have I…and am I just too embarrassed to admit it?! Ha. No, actually, I haven’t).

    I do have a bunch of favorite sitcoms, though. The Office, Parks & Recreation, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, Community. As for reality…anything to do with cooking. I’m obsessed with food shows that contain the word “chef” in the title.

    1. I have a hunch you would love Strangers With Candy.

      I like How I Met Your Mother too. I watch that a lot late at night. Anything with Jason Segel I typically love.

  5. Californication is one of our guilty pleasures. It’s raunchy, but oh so funny. There have been many scenes where we can’t breathe afteward.

    30 Rock and Weeds too.

    I want to watch F&G – I love James Franco, Sweets, and Marshall.

    GREAT post! This one might just make a marvelOoos mashup!

    1. Ooh I like Weeds too! And I can’t believe I completely forgot to put in Flight of the Conchords. That’s another awesome show!

  6. Not a reality tv fan. However, from time to time, I find myself following certain tv shows (none of which are reality tv). Most are just too disrespectful for my taste. I used to watch American Idol but haven’t seen any in a very long time.

    1. Yah I saw episodes of American Idol but I haven’t ever gotten hooked. I actually get sucked into America’s Got Talent more because some of those performances are so bizarre or ridiculous you can’t help but watch.

  7. Not a TV watcher at all – I stick with movies only. I have watched a few episodes of Stargate with the hubby, though. Fun post, Jess! 🙂

    1. The power of DVD on TV! I rarely ever watch TV shows on the tv, I rent seasons from the library and catch up that way. I’m always a bit behind the new episodes, but I’m still enjoying the shows.

  8. For a few years my guilty pleasure was an endless loop of Gilmore Girls reruns on ABC Family. I kept them on my Tivo for years. I finally gave it up this year and still miss it. 😦 It was really time to move on though!

    1. Ok, I have a guilty pleasure of watching all the seasons of Dawson’s Creek and Felicity. So I understand how difficult letting go of Gilmore Girls was completely.

  9. My TV time lately has been spent on either Game of Thrones or True Blood. But over the years, I’ve had moments of relating to Carrie in King of Queens, Seinfeld’s Elaine, and That 70’s Show’s Donna. A motley mix, but there’s a little of me in all of them! King of Queens is the one Lee and I watch together that reminds us a lot of ourselves, although I’m no where near as city-girl as Carrie and he’s not quite as … ummm ….Dougish? – as Doug : ).

    1. Too cute. I’m convinced I like you even more now that you said you’re like Carrie, Elaine, and Donna! The question is, who do you dance like, because that could really be dangerous for Lee if its anything like Elaine. 🙂

  10. I don’t watch much TV, so I’m not surprised that I haven’t seen any of the shows you mentioned. On occasion, I’ve watched Two and Half Men and Rules of Engagement. I’ve watched Glee a couple times and have laughed because it’s just so silly.

    1. I do need to see the first season of Glee. I’ve heard it is pretty funny and I love Jane Lynch, must get it from the library and see what the buzz is about.

  11. […] doesn’t like to laugh?  Jess Witkins reminds us of a few television sitcoms that Make us Snicker.  That reminds me – I must queue up Freaks and Geeks on […]

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