Guilty Good Reading: A Mash-up of Awesome

Happy late Thanksgiving everyone!  Getting my post up a bit later today since I just finished working a 12 1/2 hour day in retail.  *phew*  Guilty Pleasure Friday will be back again in two weeks, but for now, I leave you with my favorite reads from the prior week!

On Writing:

Alica McKenna Johnson guest blogged at Myndi Shafer’s with great writing advice about how to add more diversity to your writing.  She’s honest and open about the tips she uses to write characters from different countries and ethnicities.  Check out her guest post Don’t Bleach and Iron Your Work.

On Reading:

Jillian, a literary student who blogs at A Room of One’s Own, informed me of The 2012 To Be Read Pile Challenge!  For all you bookworms with that evergrowing list of books to get to, take this challenge along with me and see yourself accomplish some great books you’ve never given yourself the time to get through.  The only real catch is they need to be at least a year old in publication.  I’ll be posting my list and hope you’ll share your own!

Thanksgiving is still in season and August McLaughlin shared the Books I’m Crazy Grateful For and sparked a fun conversation in her comments.  Share your own books that shaped your life and made you grateful you’d read them!

Tim L. O’Brien posted an awesome blog about Why Books are Important.  This is part three in his series and focuses on getting kids to read.  He’s got smart advice and an awesome link to a site where you can check out the perfect titles for your kid of any age to read and have them glued to the page rather than to the screen.

On Women:

If you don’t regularly follow the Life List Club blog hop every other friday, you missed an inspiring post by fellow co-founder, Marcia Richards all about long distance swimmer Diana Nyad.  She’s a courageous woman who will inspire us all to do our own Xtreme Dream challenges.  So after you’ve read Marcia’s post, check out Diana’s own blog about her recovery process from her attempted swim from Cuba to the Florida Keys after being attacked by box jellyfish.

What’s in a Name…:

If you haven’t been following Nina Badzin’s baby naming debacles, you’ve been missing out.  She recaps the long nine month journey and also reveals her newest addition’s long awaited, and well thought out, name in Finally, His Name.

Because Humor is Necessary During the Holidays:

I love Sara Grambusch’s blog.  She’s got the spunky and self-deprecating humor that I adore in a person, and she also provides delicious healthy recipes.  In this post, Household Things I Do Wrong, she recounts the number of times she’s unsuccessfully mastered the art of housework.  Let’s all pray she and I never become roommates; angels will weep for society.

The Good Greatsby will have you stitches with his headlines: Starbucks Announces: Come for Joe not John.  Must read for coffee drinkers and users of public bathrooms everywhere!

Jenny Hansen serves up More Cowbell when she asks Is Adulthood Stealing Some of Your “Grooviness?”  Dance parties are a known reaction to Jenny’s posts; you’ve been warned.

Charles Gulotta relives his edible memoirs in his entertaining tale toward intelligence; he calls it Chew on This.

Enjoy your weekend!  See you all again Monday!

12 responses

  1. I love that Tim O’Brien list! I just sat with my son and picked a bunch for his holiday wish list! I’m kind of amazed by how many he’s read! I think I need to start reading YA’s! So many titles sound so good!

    I hope after 12.5 hours of retail, I hope you are sleeping! 😉

    1. I knew you’d love that site! Isn’t is just awesome?

      After work, I downed a thermos full of coffee and some no-doze, drove 3 hours home where I didn’t move from the couch the rest of the day. I was in a lot of back pain. Feeling much better now. Thanks for the restful wishes.

  2. I second Renee’s wish for you to get sleep! These are great posts, Jess…thanks for getting them together for us. Oh, and DANCE PARTY at my place!! (I LOVE that… 🙂 )

    1. I pumped up our opening crew with a retail dance party before we opened. I guess I was channeling my Jenny Hansen Groove!

  3. Happy late Thanksgiving back! Hope you had a great one. 🙂 I’m so honored to be listed with such fantastic resources… Can’t wait to dig into those I haven’t visited yet. Thanks, Jess!

    1. I’ve been compiling my grateful for books now thanks to you!

  4. Jess! Wake up, Jess! Oh, there you are, just wanted to say thanks for the link luv as well as Diana’s link. She is awesome!
    Now, between you and Gene, I have so many interesting links to follow up on…well, no sleep for me! 🙂
    Ask your honey for a foot and calf massage…you deserve it!

    1. That is on the agenda for this evening! He is starting with my neck and working downwards, because I am a lump of angry muscles.

      Thanks for sharing about Diana, you’re right, I did have fun at her site!!! Amazing woman! Actually, WOMEN, you’re pretty spectacular yourself!

  5. Thank you! I appreciate the mention so much and always love having new blogs to check out. By the way, 12.5 hours. Ouch!!! Your poor feet!

    1. My poor back! LOL. Still, that was one day, YOU have a newborn! You win on the lack of sleep challenge! 😀

  6. Jess, thank you very much for the mention and kind words. I have been away from the internet for the past six days, so apologies for the delayed thank you.

    1. Your welcome, Tim! Awesome link from your blog post; everyone loved it!

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