Tag Archives: Sara Grambusch

The Hunger Games: Team Peeta vs. Team Gale

Yesterday it was 21° F in Wisconsin.  There’s snow on the ground and my car’s keyhole is constantly freezing.  I’ve managed to perfect my juggling of purse, tote bag, coffee, keys, and de-icer spray bottle by holding the cap in my teeth on my way out each morning.  Needless to say, it’s chilly here.

So when life throws frost your way, what’s a girl to do but enjoy a little old school romance?

source: daemonsbooks.com

It’s like Edward vs. Jacob all over again, but better!  Honestly ladies, these are some great guys.  So let’s talk about them!

If you haven’t yet read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, you’re missing out.  The trilogy is a very fast read, you won’t want to put it down.  The books in order are The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay.  The story is placed in the future where a post-Apocalyptic North America is made up of 12 districts surrounding one Capital.  Every year, the Capital hosts the Hunger Games, a televised fight to the death consisting of one boy and one girl from each district.  Collins writes dystopian society as well as George Orwell in my opinion, or Aldous Huxley, who were two of my favorite authors growing up.  But now, if we asked a group of young adults to all read 1984, or Brave New World, I’m guessing there would be some groaning.  Ah, but The Hunger Games has two things on its side:

The first is one bad ass protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, a rebel in her own right, and destined to be a symbol for the nation.  Bonus:  Sara Grambusch is writing all about Katniss’ journey as heroine on her blog today!  Check it out!

The second win, which I’ll be focusing on, is the boys!

Source: google images

Collins has taken two extremes right out of the High School walls and placed them into Katniss’ life.  The first is Gale, tall, dark and handsome.  He is Katniss’ only good friend and they are hunting partners.  So Gale is the equivalent of the athlete friend who pushes you to be your best in the game.  And of course, he’s got amazing abs.

Then there’s Peeta.  Blonde, blue eyed, and kind.  Peeta once saved Katniss’ life long ago, but they’ve never spoken since.  He and his family make a living as bakers and Peeta knows how to do all the decorative work.  So if Peeta was in High School today, he’d be the quite but adorable boy in art class who pines for the alternative girl.

See?  You’re already choosing sides aren’t you?  Well, just stop it right now!

You have to read the books!!!  The situations that Collins places her characters into will make you think twice about what kind of person they are.  This goes for Katniss too.  Through their actions and responses, the author lays out a very interesting look into war and survival.  This may even be a great book to read with your young adult children to get them talking about the topics discussed in the book.

Plus, you know how when writers talk about plotting, and they ask you what’s the one thing your character would fear most, now make them do it!  That’s every book in The Hunger Games trilogy.  Collins will repeatedly push everyone into situations they DO NOT want to go into, but they must every time.  The reason I think that works in her books is because the implications that will happen if the character doesn’t have to do with people’s lives and their relationships.  I hated the book, Hatchet by Gary Paulson when I read it in middle school because the main character was constantly in battle with nature or the next catastrophe.  It didn’t seem believable that so much could happen to one person.  In using other people to weigh on the character’s decisions, Collins nailed this!

See for yourself in the new trailer:

Your turn!  Who are you rooting for?  What other literary characters are keeping you warm this winter?  Can’t Get Enough Hunger Games?  Good!  Read Sara’s blog too!

Guilty Good Reading: A Mash-up of Awesome

Happy late Thanksgiving everyone!  Getting my post up a bit later today since I just finished working a 12 1/2 hour day in retail.  *phew*  Guilty Pleasure Friday will be back again in two weeks, but for now, I leave you with my favorite reads from the prior week!

On Writing:

Alica McKenna Johnson guest blogged at Myndi Shafer’s with great writing advice about how to add more diversity to your writing.  She’s honest and open about the tips she uses to write characters from different countries and ethnicities.  Check out her guest post Don’t Bleach and Iron Your Work.

On Reading:

Jillian, a literary student who blogs at A Room of One’s Own, informed me of The 2012 To Be Read Pile Challenge!  For all you bookworms with that evergrowing list of books to get to, take this challenge along with me and see yourself accomplish some great books you’ve never given yourself the time to get through.  The only real catch is they need to be at least a year old in publication.  I’ll be posting my list and hope you’ll share your own!

Thanksgiving is still in season and August McLaughlin shared the Books I’m Crazy Grateful For and sparked a fun conversation in her comments.  Share your own books that shaped your life and made you grateful you’d read them!

Tim L. O’Brien posted an awesome blog about Why Books are Important.  This is part three in his series and focuses on getting kids to read.  He’s got smart advice and an awesome link to a site where you can check out the perfect titles for your kid of any age to read and have them glued to the page rather than to the screen.

On Women:

If you don’t regularly follow the Life List Club blog hop every other friday, you missed an inspiring post by fellow co-founder, Marcia Richards all about long distance swimmer Diana Nyad.  She’s a courageous woman who will inspire us all to do our own Xtreme Dream challenges.  So after you’ve read Marcia’s post, check out Diana’s own blog about her recovery process from her attempted swim from Cuba to the Florida Keys after being attacked by box jellyfish.

What’s in a Name…:

If you haven’t been following Nina Badzin’s baby naming debacles, you’ve been missing out.  She recaps the long nine month journey and also reveals her newest addition’s long awaited, and well thought out, name in Finally, His Name.

Because Humor is Necessary During the Holidays:

I love Sara Grambusch’s blog.  She’s got the spunky and self-deprecating humor that I adore in a person, and she also provides delicious healthy recipes.  In this post, Household Things I Do Wrong, she recounts the number of times she’s unsuccessfully mastered the art of housework.  Let’s all pray she and I never become roommates; angels will weep for society.

The Good Greatsby will have you stitches with his headlines: Starbucks Announces: Come for Joe not John.  Must read for coffee drinkers and users of public bathrooms everywhere!

Jenny Hansen serves up More Cowbell when she asks Is Adulthood Stealing Some of Your “Grooviness?”  Dance parties are a known reaction to Jenny’s posts; you’ve been warned.

Charles Gulotta relives his edible memoirs in his entertaining tale toward intelligence; he calls it Chew on This.

Enjoy your weekend!  See you all again Monday!

Happy Halloween!

Hi ya’ll!  Happy Halloween!  Today’s post is brought to you by Dolly Parton!  And I’m just thrilled to be celebratin’ with ya’ll on All Hallow’s Eve.  Don’t you get to spookified, I’m here to guide ya and keep the ghosts away!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  And since it falls on a monday, I had a whole weekend to celebrate.  For starters, I went to work for Jess on Saturday.  I was a big hit with her team.  They made the credit goal we needed so I agreed to sing for them.  Popular requests were 9 to 5 and Jolene.  Two of my favorites!

Saturday night was the typical celebrity party.  You know, attend a live concert, well, at least I think they were…

     The usual music celebrities were there.  Michael Jackson, Prince, Amy Winehouse, Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy, and my particular fave, ABBA.

Mamma Mia! It's Halloween again!









After a full night of autograph signing, I was ready for a lazy day at home on the couch.  The line-up included:  Halloween, The Addams Family, Practical Magic, and The Walking Dead.

To end the night, some great reads that say Halloween!

Tiffany A White’s Ooooh Factor gave an eerie review for The Boo Factor of the scream favorite film Halloween.

Sara Grambusch made a Halloween monster mash-up that talked craft projects, party foods, and even wine and candy pairing in My Magical Halloween Puree.

Albert Berg gave away his book The Mulch Pile for FREE in honor of Neil Gaiman’s All Hallows Read.  Be sure to get your copy of this spooky tale!

The Good Greatsby shared halloween stories from his creative children, The Fonz and Optimus Prime.  Fonz has got a secret and he thinks you’d like to know what it is in Saturday Hallowiener.

Little Miss Vix shares her Top 10 Supernatural Favorites including books, film, and TV series.  See if yours made the list or add to it!

If history is your thing, check out El Muerto: The Texas Headless Horseman by Catie Rhodes.

If you missed the final edition of Haunted Hawleyville by Pam Hawley, check out her last post about camping in the woods with her family, Visits from Jason and Freddy.

     That’s all for this Halloween, folks!  How did you celebrate this weekend?  Hope you all have a fabulous All Hallows Eve!  




Monday Morning Mash-Up

It’s monday morning and I hope you all get a chance to settle into your favorite chair and sip your coffee/tea of choice.  My morning is starting with a banana bar my dad made!  Mmmm.  I’ve been trying to get to more blogs this week and see what everyone’s been up to.  Here’s my favorite reads from the past week, take your time and enjoy these great writers!  Happy monday!

Writers and Readers:

Pam Hawley blogged about writing letters to herself to overcome writer’s block in this past week’s Life List Club guest post.  She shows blankness who’s boss with humor and inspiration.

Marcia Richards interviews Jody Hedlund about her new book The Doctor’s Lady and what historical character from the Oregon Trail inspired her to write this book!

Renee Schuls-Jacobson blogs about learning from mistakes in The Day I Got It All Wrong.  Go on, laugh WITH her, and share your own learning opportunities if you feel comfortable.  Gotta tell you, Renee rocks!  You’ll be in a safe space!  As long as she’s not throwing things.

Sara Grambusch blogs about How to Pay (almost) Nothing for Books.  Her energy and enthusiasm for the reading process and writer connections will draw you in!

A MUST-READ for writers, Kristen Lamb blogs the 7 Deadly Sins of Writing.  She graciously shares her own learning experience and tips to beat these writing dead ends. 


Gene Lempp’s creature features are superb in his Designing from Bones series.  His post on Zoo Arcane: Pterodactyl, Luck Owl, Elder Phoenix was really fascinating to read and imagine encountering these animals.

Catie Rhodes dug up some fascinating spooky history in Ouija Board: Toy or Tool?  Read at your own risk! 

Pure Fun:

Piper Bayard and her partner Holmes take on your Labors of Love.  Do you have a question for Dr. Piper and Dr. Holmes?  Join in the fun as they solve all love’s conundrums, from True Blood love triangles to using nookie to entice your hubby to talk to you!  It’s rollicking Cupid-filled fun!

A fun new blogger I’ve met, Little Miss Vix, asks readers who their favorite Disney character is, and shares with us why she LOVES Beauty and Beast. 

Katie Ganshert shares her real life romance story with us, and asks you to share your own.  What kind of couple are you?  If you’re still looking, who do you imagine you’ll be?

Did I miss anything?  Share your favorite post links in the comments below and I promise to check them out!  I may even share my banana bar with you.  🙂