ROWmodels: The Lessons Learned From You

Hello ROWers and Readers!  It’s December 5th and this round of ROW80 is wrapping up (pun intended) this holiday season!  And I am sooo impressed with the hard work you all have done!

I think there are several of you deserving of a round of applause, so let me introduce this week’s…


Kat Morrisey had me giggling with delight at her very upbeat post about completing NaNoWriMo – I Didn’t Win the Lottery, But I Did Something Better!  That girl is a dancing fiend now that she’s finished her novel draft!  And she’s inspired me to create some new goals for myself this ROW round.  Thanks, Kat!

Nicole Nally is another NaNo winner!  She completed her novel draft and is anticipating the edit process.  I’m excited for her and the thrill of completing such a powerful word goal!  Go rock those edits and keep us posted, girl!

I hope all of you have come to know Ryan King because he has been a fabulous ROW Sponsor!  Seriously!  This guy has been leaving many comments of support and I know how much a kind comment means to me on my posts, and Ryan leaves aplenty!  Kudos to you, Sir, on your successes with writing projects and weight maintenance during the holiday season.  I am envious.

Ruth Nestvold’s post about her plights and processes as an indie author is post you CANNOT miss!  She’s got some interesting info out there about our industry, what she’s tried, what’s she trying, and shares the successes she’s achieved along the journey.  I found this post particularly interesting and really appreciated her sharing.  Thank you, Ruth!

My ROW Goals this week:

Inspired by many of you, but knowing I’m COMPLETELY strapped for time, I’m making my end goals very manageable.  I hope.

  1. Clean my desk.  Find the wood underneath it.
  2. Clean my room.  Find the carpet underneath it.  🙂
  3. Finish reading The Language of Flowers, On Writing, Football Sweetheart, and Geek Love this month.
  4. Journal at least twice a week.

A Couple Announcements:

Long overdue is the announcement of the comment/twitter winner of a free copy of Come Sunrise, reggae album by TUGG.  Thanks to all who left comments and tweeted for my musical guests !

The winner is Jenny Hansen!!!


And it’s another edition of the Holiday Yum blog fest today featuring Natalie Hartford’s French Lace Cookies!  What are you waiting for?!

19 responses

  1. I read The Language of Flowers and loved it – I hope you do, too!

    1. I am really liking this one Dorie. Reminds me a little bit of These Things Hidden.

  2. Aww. You’re making me blush. Thanks Jess. I hope you can find enough time to finish reading those books and that you’re able to find all that hidden wood and carpet 😉

    1. I know. Pretty sad right? Most of it is covered with Christmas gifts waiting to be wrapped. Lol

  3. Reasonable goals, Jess. You could be one of my own kids considering the state of your room! You all live busy lives and bedroom cleaning has to fall to the bottom of the priority list. I would leave that goal til after the holidays. Read, it’s one of your great pleasures and stress relievers. Have a great week, partner!

    1. Thanks Marcia! I hope I can finish them all. Audio books are truly the best invention ever. That’s what I listen to while I get ready in the morning.

      Good luck to you and your kids as they survive…I mean celebrate the season!

  4. Thanks, Jess! Glad you liked my ramblings. 🙂

    1. Absolutely, Ruth! Appreciated your story as you continue your journey. Wishing you much success!

      1. Thank you! You too. 🙂

  5. I’m about to start The Language of Flowers — right after I finish Defending Jacob, the book I was supposed to have finished for November’s book club. I swear, I’m always one book behind! It’s awful. How’s your floor doing?

    1. I’m loving Language of Flowers now! And my floor is…better. I wrapped lots of presents last night which helped.

  6. Hey, if you need a motherly voice telling you to CLEAN YOUR ROOM! I’ve got that down now. I’d be happy to oblige. I can add a “No Wii until I can see carpet in here!” LOL.

    I’m jealous of Jenny. Guess I just need to go over and buy TUGG for myself. 🙂 Have a terrific week!

    1. Well now you’ve given me an idea for your mix Cd!

  7. Thanks for the uber shout out Jess and here’s to kicking your goals BUTTS! BAM!

    1. Lol. Thank you for your enthusiasm, Natalie.

  8. Holy crap! I won the TUGG prize?? I’m so happy. I loved their music. Thanks.

    And I see from the date on this post that you’re still tangled in the holidays. I hate it that you don’t get to enjoy this time of year… 😦

    1. Yes, I have your cd, Jenny! Will send it out after the New Year! Email me your address! Congrats, girl, I know you’ll jam!

  9. Hey Jess – Been missing you in the Blogosphere lately, but I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Merry Christmas!

    1. Oh Jane, thank you so much! I know I’ve been totally MIA this season because working in retail right now is insane! I will be back with full force in January! Miss you too!!!

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