The Redhots: A Picture Says A Thousand Words

(image from

Happy Redhots Day!

It’s another month’s edition of The Redhots and Marcia Richards and I are back and bolder than ever!


Ok, you caught us, we’re both crazed madwomen right now!

Let’s face it, the holidays are stressful!  Believe me, I work in retail.  I’ve put in an insane amount of days and hours for the past month – hence the disappearance of me from the blogosphere.  But I’ve missed you all and wrote you a little poem while I was away.  So settle into your pajamas, kiddos, Jess is going to read you a story!


The Sale Before Christmas

It was the sale before Christmas
and all through the mall
the customers were shopping
for gifts big and small!
The registers were ringing,
the managers running.
And somewhere in their temporal lobes –
a constant, steady drumming!
This coupon! That special!
Lines the length of trains! –
Had this particular manager
wracking her redhot brains!
There were gifts to still wrap,
Heck presents to buy!
Not to mention the store potluck,
that dang peppermint pie!
There was severe lack of sleep
and a small bought with the flu.
But Christmas was coming!
What’s a girl to do?
The dishes began to pile at home,
and the laundry was crawling the walls.
Is this what Kris Kringle had in mind
when he said “Deck the Halls?”
At last the day came and went,
though short, it was full of cheer.
With family members, grace and thanks
I can wish you a Happy New Year!


Your turn!  This Redhots edition we want to hear YOUR holiday stories!  Marcia and I are each posting a picture about the holidays and we’d love to hear your reactions, stories, perhaps poems (who doesn’t love a good limerick or haiku?) all about the holidays!  Thanks for sharing and we hope you all had a very happy holiday!

(image from

17 responses

  1. […] So you’ve heard my tale of the Christmas Holiday. You can read Jess’ here! […]

  2. I love your story, Jess! I know all too well what you’re December has been like! My story is up on my blog . It’s a retirees version of yours! We can only hope that January and all of 2013 is a bit more calm and quiet. *yeah, right*

    1. Cheers to a New Year, my lovely, talented redheaded friend! It’s been a joy working on all our projects together! I do hope you get to relax more…at least a little bit!

  3. LOVE that poem, Jess! I hope you can rest up soon.

    My Christmas? I’ll give it a shot!

    Poinsettias are red, Christmas trees green
    Sometimes we forget what the holidays mean
    I approached this season, somewhat of a Scrooge
    With pressure mounting, my to-do list so huge

    Finally I settled down on Christmas Eve
    The to-do list checked off, ready for a reprieve
    Christmas came, my family and friends were close
    Guess that’s what I love about this season most

    1. Bellisima! I love it! You are a master of Christmas rhyme with this poem and your Santa Baby song. So glad you turned your bah humbug attitude into a happy one. I think that’s the magic of Christmas, isn’t it? When the day finally arrives – all the stress of wrapping and baking and cleaning and shopping goes out the window! It’s more about who your with.

  4. No tinsel this year
    Hard to find those silver strands
    Garland ain’t the same.

    1. LOL. Nice. But it looked like you had copious amounts of champagne! That’s a fine substitute!

  5. Jess! I know you’ve been going crazy! Can’t wait for things to slow down for you in 2013. Here’s a poem that I left at Marsha’s place. I figured you two are good sharers.

    My December was chillin’
    My latkes were fillin’
    Hanukkah was bright
    Christmas, a delight
    With friends we did dine
    On duck so divine.
    The snow arrived, so white
    But I was not uptight
    Because I was blessed to be
    In Florida with my family.

    Not as good as yours, but alas, something to make you smile. Thanks for being such a great cyberbuddy. 😘

    1. I totally dig it, Renee! I’m jealous you were in Florida for Christmas! Was the weather nice? Joe and I were driving back from Christmas with my family, and while it was wonderful, we were both daydreaming about being on a beach with sun and sand over the snow covered highway and interstate we traveled. Ha!

      1. I was in Florida, and while it wasn’t hot (we hit a cool spell), it definitely was NOT snowing. It was quite the surprise to come home to 20 inches in the driveway. Not. Fun. Hope you have a great New Year’s. Soon you’ll be back in the swing of things!

        1. I hope so! Have an amazing New Years!

  6. Hi Jess. Yeah, retail’s no fun at the holidays. I was sad to hear that even Starbucks was open on Christmas day. People can’t make their own coffee for even one day?? Hope life is getting back to normal for you.


    1. It’s starting to. Today I had off and I was a total slug! LOL. Spent the entire day in a sweatshirt and those funky colored super soft socks, curled up on the couch watching movies. It was Heaven.

      Hope you and the family had a lovely Christmas, Nigel!

  7. You red-heads are poetry happy this year and making my brain work too hard!lol. Just left Marcia’s blog and the challenge to rhyme and failed miserably. So, once again, here goes:

    The twelve days of Christmas, felt like a year
    When my family arrived with their colds, complaints and cheer.
    Though the eggnog was potent and the fish less than fresh,
    We drank and we ate leaving a huge kitchen mess.
    As they bundled down tight for a Christmas eve sleep,
    I cleaned, wrapped and trimmed logging ten hours on my feet.
    Then as the clock struck three a.m., I sat down in my chair
    turned on my laptop and began looking for a sane family out there.
    But soon I realized that everyone has to deal
    with family and chaos to make the holidays more real.
    After all was but lost with achy knees and feet dead,
    I began laughing out loud at two poems… authors: red-heads.
    Then I heard Santa exclaim, as he rode thru the night,
    Now I’ve got to get back to my family, crap~! I only escaped for one night!

    1. Inion that’s brilliant! I think you did an awesome job. I totally hear ya on the holiday stress but I hope all the fuss was worth it. It’s good to be with family. Enjoy the season!

  8. ‘Twas four days after Christmas
    And all through the house
    Not a creature was stirring
    Not even a mouse.
    Ahhhhh! Peace after all that joyful chaos!

    Jess, I felt tired just reading your poem. I’m glad to see you finally had a day off to relax on the couch. Happy New Year to you too!

    1. Oh yah I was a slug. Lol Felt real good!

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