Five Truths and a Lie, Round 2

Five Truths and a LieIt’s time for another edition of…

Five Truths and a Lie!

The game where I tell you six random things about me and you have to guess which one of them is a lie.

Last time, I gave you pretty outlandish facts about myself. Many of you are still in awe over my winning a year’s worth of chicken wings. This time I thought I’d go a little more subtle. See if you can figure out what the lie is.

All correct guesses win you bragging rights – let your friends know you are an amazing guesser and they should put you on their trivia team dagnabit.

Y’all ready for this?

Five Truths and a Lie

1. I own two mini staplers.
2. I wear men’s deodorant.
3. I have a fear of kayaking.
4. I built my own Little Free Library.
5. I dislike spearmint flavored gum.
6. I am medically allergic to the sun.


What say you? Which is the lie? Answer revealed in next week’s blog!

Wanna play along? Give me five truths and a lie about you in the comments and I’ll try to guess which is the lie.
Or write your own blog post and link back to mine so I can try to guess too! 

31 responses

  1. #5 is my best guess. #2 would be a close second guess.

    1. We’ll find out next week!

  2. It’s either fear of kayaking, or spearmint gum.

  3. I guess kayaking, Did Jerry take you on an unforgettable ride as a child?

    1. Lots of guesses for kayaking so far. You’ll find out next week!

  4. I think the lie is # 6 – that you are medically allergic to the sun!! You take too many cool adventures that involve being out-of-doors!!

    1. Nurse and sleuth, huh? We’ll see!

  5. 5 truths and a lie…

    1. I once ‘stole’, then drove a school bus through a fence
    2. I studied criminal science before nursing
    3. I couldn’t get into University after high school because my GPA wasn’t high enough
    4. I backpacked through Europe
    5. I have a fear of heights
    6. I love to ride amusement park rides

    1. Hmm, I would think number 6 right away, but I also wonder if it’s number 3 because you said you used to be a clown in school. Good list, Dorie!

  6. I’m going with #6 as the lie!

    1. Could be….who knows…. And now I have West Side Story in my head.

  7. I vote for #2. Can’t imagine you smelling like Speed Stick…

    1. It’s those Old Spice Commercials, they call to me! LOL

    1. I don’t know. I do like office supplies.

  8. If anything, Joe probably wears women’s deodorant. Isn’t Secret strong enough for a man but made for a woman? So I’m going with #2. As for my own list – fun game, but I’ll have to ponder this awhile. It’s too early on a Monday morning to give it any sort of decent thought.

    1. It is hard!

      Joe does not wear women’s deodorant, but that’s all I will say for now.

  9. It’s a toss up between kayaking and the sun allergy. The only reason I would think the sun allergy thing might be the lie is that you go a lot of places where you’re outdoors. But there’s always sunscreen, although I don’t know if it blocks the allergy thing. Hmmm. I’m going to guess the fear of kayaking as the lie.

    1. You are not alone. Many have guessed kayaking. We’ll find out next week!

  10. They all sound like they could be true!

    1. But one is not. I promise.

  11. I’m going for #2 as the lie. As a fellow redhead, I know doggone well that you burst into flames in the sunshine.

    Here are mine:

    1. I had a pottery studio in my basement.
    2. I fooled New Yorkers into thinking a horse with an antler rack tied to its head was an elk.
    3. A corporate VP once changed his cross country plane schedule to meet me because he liked my voice when I answered the phone at work.
    4. I sang a warmup gig for a Jason Mraz concert before he became a big name.
    5. I dated a man who was in the Guiness Book of World Records for skydiving out of a balloon.
    6. I was on a plane from Chicago to New York that was empty except for me, a New York lawyer with a Gucci briefcase, Bruce Springsteen, and the E-Street Band.

    1. I think they’re all TRUE! If I HAD to pick, I’ll say #4 is the lie. Do tell!

      1. LOL. You would be correct. 🙂

  12. Bah! Gah! These are evil…because they could ALL be TRUE or LIES. My guess is #1 Wait! #5. Yes, #5.
    And Piper is also evil, because only one of those are a lie? I’m gonna have to dig deep. Here are my 5 truths and a lie:

    1. I lived in a parapsychology study center when I was 12.
    2. I was in a TV commercial when I was 15.
    3. I flew in a stunt plane.
    4. This year will be my 23rd consecutive year of parent teacher conferences.
    5. I have a tattoo.
    6. I save spiders.

    1. Hmmm, toughies. I will say #3 is the lie? Is it? Tell me!!!

  13. […] by Jess Witkins over at The Happiness Project, I’ve decided to do my own version of her game “Five Truths and a […]

  14. […] all for playing along with last week’s post Five Truths and a Lie. All of you made admirable guesses and many of you left your own five truths and a lie for me to […]

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